Beat Not Beat Out Now
An anthology of California poets screwing on the Beat and post-Beat tradition.

Beat Not Beat an anthology of California poets screwing on the Beat and post-Beat tradition (moontide press)—a glorious array of my very great predecessors and contemporaries, compiled and edited by no less than Rich Ferguson and Eric Morago, with Alexis Rhone Fancher, S.A. Griffin, & Kim Shuck. This epic tome showcases the depth and breadth of the profound impact Californians have had on the global tradition of poetry, and illustrates, without question, the vast extent to which Californian arts and literature matter, if only to Californians.
With entries by gazillions of known and unknown luminaries, from Jack Hirschman to Charles Bukowski, Jim Morrison, Pleasant Gehman, Bob Kaufman, Brendan Costantine, Diane Di Prima, Wanda Coleman, Michael C. Ford and yours truly, Beat Not Beat is a thick, literary h-bomb gone rogue with love for all things lyrical.